Integra ERP Software

Project Execution

Project Execution: Most important area of the project management is project execution which includes procurements of materials, lobour management, subcontracting managements etc..

Labour Attendance Management
The labour cost is directly affecting the project costing. It is therefore necessary to record the cost incurred towards labour cost on daily basis. This activity of Labour attendance management is an important tool with which you can maintain labour-wise record of attendance and account the cost towards wages for labourers. It is possible that some of the labourers may be attending to the work only half of the day or in some cases, labour may be working overtime and both situations, User can record the labour attendance along with overtime cost if any and accordingly work out the daily labour cost.

Material Issue and Consumption.
Material management is the one of the major concern of the project management. Timely procurement with it proper quantity and maintain the cost within the budget will not be possible without having proper automation and timely monitoring. Other wise project cost and project period will be escalated from the planning and finally it may leads to financial loss on the project. Integra ERP provides the completed process of material management right from the beginning, vendor quotation management, project wise purchase intending and purchase order processing, storing and issue of material to concerned project and enable proper material cost analysis.

Labour Advance and Settlement
In some cases wages may be accrued on weekly or monthly basis but in the meantime company may extend some advances to the laborers. Integra Project Management module provided the flexibility to proper recording of advance wages considering the factors like wages accrued till date, Advance already paid and balance payable so that company can keep proper track of labour cost towards the project.

Machine Billing and Payment
Another cost element which directly affects the project costing is utilization of Machinery. Integra Project Management module records the actual hours of machinery utilization and cost to the project for such utilization.

Supervisor's Site Visit Diary
Diaries are kept to provide a complete narrative picture of the project, covering both the normal work processes and anything unusual that might have occurred in the project. The diary is used to document the work in progress, site conditions, labour and equipment usage and can provide valuable information necessary to accurately reconstruct the events in preparation of a claim. Visit Diaries could be useful for analyzing the project progress and deficiencies if any. This module provides for recording entire visit details and comments of the supervisor.

Sub-Contractor work Management
Company may employ sub-contractors to provide all or a specified part of the work or for supplying materials or machinery required for the project. INTEGRA Project Management module provides for Sub-contracting works feature and its complete management and accounting.

Work Award to Sub-contractors
Provisions are give to allot works contract to sub subcontractors for the whole project or any part of the project.

Work Inspection
Periodical work inspection report can be generated through the ERP. Provision is to fix inspection parameters with its desired values even at the time of work allotment to subcontractors. Work inspector periodically visit the project site enter inspected values hence enable the analysis.

Measurement and Cost Tabulation
Integra ERP - Project Management having the provision to take various measurements of the project hence to to calculate the cost of work. This measurement and costing will be later tallied with bills of Site measurement and Cost Tabulation. This module further provides for sub-contracting billing and its settlements.
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